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Tips For Making Your Customers Happier at Your Bar or Restaurant

December 06, 2022

If you can delight your customers, they'll be more likely to frequent your establishment and recommend your bar or restaurant to their friends, which means more business for you.

Here are 7 Tips for Delighting Customers at Bars and Restaurants

1. Keep your servers happy

Restaurants must keep their servers happy because they are the ones who interact with customers and create an impression of the restaurant.

When servers are happy, they serve customers with more care and attention which will create a positive emotional reaction from guests.

Ensure your bar or restaurant looks like an oasis of peace and harmony whenever a potential customer walks through the door.

2. Provide quick service

Your customers won't wait forever for their drinks or food, so make sure whatever they order gets delivered without delay. This can be done by setting up systems and processes that are designed to minimize the time taken to respond to customer requests.

Also, provide accurate wait times. If a patient needs to wait for long, it would be great if you could provide a more accurate estimate of their wait time.

3. Make sure everything is clean and tidy

Customers usually judge the cleanliness of a restaurant before they have even been seated. The way the restaurant looks and feels can either attract or deter guests. If the bar or restaurant looks untidy, customers will not want to buy anything from it.

4. Respond quickly to guests’ displeasure

Customer service starts with an attentive staff and managers who listen to their guests and respond quickly to any problems they have.

Responding to customers promptly is one of the most vital customer service tactics. Be quick to respond whenever a client has a bad experience because if you don't fix it right away, they will likely never come back.

Apologize for the experience and offer them some form of compensation like a discount or free drink.

5. Create a customer loyalty program

A loyalty program is a customer reward system that incentivizes clientele to keep buying from a brand. The idea behind this is that customers are more likely to buy from a company they feel appreciated by.

Points-based loyalty programs are the most popular kind and are easy for customers to understand. Loyal customers earn points for each purchase and can redeem these points for free items.

6. Offer complimentary drinks or dessert

Offering free drinks or desserts can be a good way to increase customer satisfaction and loyalty as it makes them feel extra special. People are more likely to share their positive experiences if they feel like you've made an effort.

7. Get customer feedback

Invest in customer feedback solutions that will help you collect valuable reviews about your guests' experience. That way, you can easily make adjustments and improve the quality of service over time.


There are lots of ways to make your customers happy, but hopefully, these seven tips will help ensure that all of your guests have a positive experience.

Treat customers the way you'd like to be treated, and they will spread the word of your establishment's awesomeness in no time.