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Organizational Mission and Program Purpose

The principal mission of the Affordable Alcohol Training Company is to offer online learning courses that enhance workers' access to state-mandated training, helping them acquire their certificates in a flexible and simplified environment.

The purpose of the food handler training program is to educate individuals working in establishments that handle, prepare, and/or serve food on how to do so responsibly.

Responsibility of Certificate Holders to Meet Food Handler Training Requirements:

Requirements for food handler training, including the certificate term, may vary from one jurisdiction to another. It is the responsibility of food handlers to comply with any food handler training regulations in their local area. They should contact their local jurisdiction's office to obtain information regarding food handler training requirements.

Purpose (Effective 12/23/2023) The purpose of the food handler training program is to teach those working in establishments handling, preparing, and/or serving food how to do so responsibly.

Scope (Effective 12/23/2023) The LIQUORexam.com food handler training scope is to present essential elements of food safety that a food handler must know to keep food safe, including preparation, handling, and storage of food to prevent foodborne illnesses in accordance with the FDA Food Code, specifically: basic food safety, personal hygiene, cross-contamination & allergens, time and temperature, and cleaning and sanitation.

Target Audience: Individuals working in commercial establishments handling, preparing, and/or serving food

Program Requirements

To successfully complete this course and obtain their Food Handler Certificate, participants must follow these steps through LIQUORexam.com:

→ Register and purchase the online course on LIQUORexam.com.

→ Complete all modules of the course.

→ Achieve a minimum score of 70% on the assessment.

Upon successfully meeting these requirements, participants will receive their Food Handler Certificate in PDF format via email.

LIQUORexam issues certificates based solely on whether or not a learner meets these established program requirements.

Additionally, they can access and view their Food Handler Certificate at any time on their user dashboard on LIQUORexam.com. Please note that this course does not issue continuing education credits.

Intended Learning Outcomes (Effective 12/23/2023)

After successful completion of this course, participants will be able to:

→ Recognize the meaning and significance of food safety.
Recognize common causes of and prevention strategies for food contamination and unsafe food.
Recognize the reasons for and which foods require time and temperature control.
Recognize measures to safeguard customers with food allergies and higher-risk conditions.
→ Recognize the importance of and how to maintain proper personal hygiene.
→ Recognize proper ways to maintain a clean environment and prevent contamination.
→ Recognize the Big 6 pathogens.
→ Recognize the symptoms of illnesses that require action by a food handler.
→ Recognize the importance of and situations when it is necessary to reject shipments.
→ Recognize the importance of and measures to keep food safe during storage.
→ Recognize the importance of and practices for safe time and temperature control in preparing foods.
→ Recognize the proper controls in the holding of food.
→ Recognize the importance of and the proper steps for cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, equipment, and utensils.
→ Recognize signs and proper preventive measures for common pest infestations.

Qualifications of Program Developers

Our authorized program developers at LIQUORexam.com are highly qualified individuals with a strong background and extensive expertise in training and online course instruction. The courses offered by LIQUORexam.com have been meticulously crafted in collaboration with experts who possess relevant experience in the field.

Inferences Which Can Be Made Regarding Certificate Holders

A LIQUORexam.com food handler certificate is documentation of the successful completion of the food handler certificate program.

Learner Attestation

By completing the final assessment, you acknowledge:

→ The examinations and questions are the exclusive property of the Certificate Issuer and are protected by federal copyright law.

→ Any involvement in irregularities during the examination, such as giving or obtaining unauthorized information or aid, may invalidate the results of the examination or the certificate issued.

→ You are solely responsible for your test answers and have not received assistance from others.

Requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act

If you have specific medical needs covered under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you may request reasonable accommodations. To initiate this process, please provide a written explanation of your requirements along with the necessary medical documentation. You must submit this request via email at contact@LIQUORexam.com. We are committed to ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and we reserve the right to grant reasonable accommodations as mandated by law.

Upon receiving your request, the Program Director or their designated representative will promptly evaluate it, typically within seven (7) business days, unless additional scrutiny is deemed necessary. In some cases, we may request documentation from a licensed healthcare professional to better assess your needs.

Following the evaluation, the Program Director or their designated representative will notify you of the decision regarding your requested accommodations. You can expect to receive this notification via U.S. mail service within two (2) business days of the final determination.

Applicant and Certificate Holder Information

AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program personnel are committed to safeguarding the privacy of individuals and treating all learner and certificate holder information obtained during certificate program activities with utmost confidentiality and security.

Confidential information pertaining to learners and certificate holders encompasses details such as their name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, assessment scores, and certificate status, with the exception of individuals who have achieved a certificate (including the issue date and certificate term). The fact that an individual has earned a certificate is not considered confidential information.

Both AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program personnel and contractors are required to adhere to privacy, confidentiality, and security terms. Unless otherwise specified, personnel (whether paid or volunteer) or contractors will not disclose confidential information about a specific individual to a third party without the individual's written consent. In cases where a request for information is received, the Program Director will reach out to the individual to seek their consent. If consent is granted, the information will be shared, and records of the written request, consent, and information shared will be maintained in the AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program Box folder.

In situations where the law mandates the disclosure of information to a third party, the Program Director or their assignee will notify the learner/certificate holder of the information provided.

Learner Verification of Certificate Program Status

Learners who wish to inquire about their progress towards earning a certificate, or certificate holders who want to know the status of their certificate term, can do so by contacting the Compliance Director. These requests must be submitted via email at contact@liquorexam.com to ensure the identity of the individual can be verified. Personnel will verify the identity by matching the request email to the email in the individual's record. The requested information will only be provided if the emails match or if other identity verification measures have been successfully completed. AAT shall respond to inquiries within 72 hours of receiving the request.

Certificate Verification by Others

When AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program personnel receive requests for certificate verification from anyone other than the learner, they will respond either by phone or by email within 72 hours of receiving the request. The response will only include an indication of whether an individual holds a valid certificate or not, along with the certificate's term. The status of in-progress or unsuccessful participants will not be disclosed.

Security of Assessment Materials

Individuals taking an AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program summative assessment will review the following terms and conditions prior to the assessment. By taking the assessment, they agree to the following:

→ The summative assessment and its questions are the exclusive property of AAT Company and are protected by federal copyright law. No part of the summative assessment may be copied, reproduced in part or in whole, by any means whatsoever, including memorization.

→ They confirm that they have successfully met the program requirements. If at any time it is confirmed that they have not met all the requirements, they will no longer be eligible for the certificate, or their current certificate will be invalidated.

→ They acknowledge that they are solely responsible for the answers provided on the summative assessment. Furthermore, they affirm that they did not receive assistance from any other individual.

Certificate Issuance

A non-transferable certificate will be issued to individuals who successfully meet all the requirements of the AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program. The decision to grant this certificate is solely based on the information collected during the certificate program process, and no other factors will be considered to determine an individual's eligibility to receive the certificate. It's important to note that the decision to issue the certificate will not be outsourced.

AAT Company certificates will be awarded to participants upon their successful completion of the food handler program. Successful completion of the course involves several criteria:

→ Participants must register and securely log in through the online web portal.

→ They should either purchase the course or redeem a voucher for it.

→ Accurate profile information, including the name that should appear on the certificate, must be provided.

→ Participants should diligently complete all the modules of the course material.

→ Achieving a minimum passing score of 70% on the final assessment is required.

→ The entire course, assessment, and evaluation must be completed while the participant is securely logged in.

It's crucial to understand that certificates are non-transferrable, and any attempt to transfer a certificate to another individual is strictly prohibited.

Provision of Certificate after Meeting Certificate Program Requirements

A certificate will be automatically generated by the learning management system for individuals who have successfully completed the coursework and passed the summative assessment. The specific requirements to earn a certificate are outlined in our AAT Company Food Handler Instructional Design Plan. A certificate will not be generated for individuals who have not met the certificate program requirements.

The certificate issued will include the following:

→ Certificate holder’s name

→ Certificate identification number

→ Certificate title (indicating the certificate scope)

→ LIQUORexam as the certificate issuer

→ Certificate issue date and term

→ ANAB logo, if applicable

Invalidation of Results

In circumstances where the Program Director becomes aware that a certificate has been issued through means involving misrepresentation of identity, falsehood, or any other fraudulent activity, they will invalidate the certificate. This invalidation will be noted in the certificate holder's record within the learning management system, and an effort will be made to notify the certificate holder that their certificate has been invalidated due to fraudulent actions.

Certificate Ownership and Use

The certificate is the property of AAT Company. Permission to use the certificate is granted to certificate holders at the discretion of AAT Company for permissible purposes only.

The use of the AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program is limited to those individuals who have been officially granted the certificate by the AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program. The use of the certificate by any other individuals, organizations, or entities is explicitly prohibited.

Certificate holders are not permitted to revise or alter the AAT Company Food Handler Certificate Program certificate in any way. It must be displayed in the same form as initially produced by AAT Company and cannot be reproduced unless the reproduction is identical to the certificate provided by AAT Company.

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