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California Responsible Beverage Service Training Requirements: Promoting Safer Drinking Environments

May 18, 2023

California Responsible Beverage Service Training under the requirements of CA Assembly Bill 1221 became mandatory on July 1, 2022. This new state mandate requires on-premises alcoholic beverage servers and their managers to successfully complete an ABC-approved RBS training program. In California, the responsible service of alcoholic beverages is of utmost importance to maintain safe and controlled drinking environments. RBST refers to educational programs and certifications that train individuals serving or selling alcoholic beverages. Its aim is to equip them with the knowledge and skills needed to promote responsible drinking, identify signs of intoxication, prevent underage drinking, and handle challenging alcohol service situations.

Who Must Undergo California RBS Training?

California law mandates RBST for specific categories of alcohol servers and sellers. Within 60 days of employment, the following individuals must complete RBST: bartenders and waitstaff who directly serve alcoholic beverages to patrons, alcohol retail employees working in stores that sell alcohol for off-premises consumption, and managers and supervisors responsible for overseeing alcohol service operations.

Approved RBST Programs

California approves various organizations to provide RBST programs that meet state requirements. These programs cover topics such as alcohol laws and regulations specific to California, identifying signs of intoxication, intervention, and refusal techniques, and preventing underage drinking. LIQUORExaxm.com is an approved training provider by the State of California and you can watch a short video about the RBS Training program at our website here: https://liquorexam.com/California_Responsible_Beverage_Service_Training

Benefits of RBST

Implementing RBST requirements in California offers several significant benefits. It promotes safer drinking environments by enabling alcohol servers and sellers to recognize and address potentially dangerous situations. Responsible alcohol service is emphasized, prioritizing customer well-being over excessive sales. RBST also ensures legal compliance with California's alcohol laws and regulations, reducing liabilities. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in reducing underage drinking through proper age verification and prevention of sales to minors.

Steps to Registering for the CA RBS training

Prior to completing this course, you will need to create an account on the California RBS Portal at https://abcbiz.abc.ca.gov/ to obtain your “Server ID” (there is a $3 fee).

→ The Server ID is a 9-digit number.

→ You will need your Server ID to provide at the end of this training so that we may report your completion to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC). Failure to provide an accurate Server ID may result in an additional fee to update your account and resubmit proof of training to the ABC.

→ Once you complete this online course, our system immediately reports your training to the ABC so that you may have access to the ABC administered RBS exam. You may then log into the ABC Portal to access the ABC administered Final Exam. Please note that you have only 30 days from the date you complete this training (and pass the final exam) to access and complete the ABC RBS exam.

Wrap Up

The California Responsible Beverage Service Training Requirements play a crucial role in promoting responsible alcohol consumption and creating safer drinking environments. By equipping alcohol servers and sellers with the necessary knowledge and skills, the state aims to minimize alcohol-related harms, prevent underage drinking, and enhance public safety. Adhering to these requirements not only ensures legal compliance but also demonstrates a commitment to fostering a culture of responsible alcohol service in California.